Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Brief Compilation of Roses

As much as I want to call my Wilton cake class a waste of time (and money, they're so expensive!) it was worth it just to be taught in person how to create an icing rose! YouTube and the rest of the internet is as good as a class as any (and free), but I never would have tackled this technique on my own. It just seems so complicated! Which instantly makes it one of the best cake decorating techniques to use if you want something instantly gorgeous, but easily achievable. 

They tend to look really fancy and romantic at times, but I love making these as birthday gifts just because they're so pretty and you can get away with making and giving away just a few. 

I was experimenting with the concept of adding food coloring to piping bags when frosting cupcakes, and tried it out on the roses with phenomenal results. It looks like you did twice the work, but in just half to time! I don't have a diagram, but if you're using a piping bag, put a stripe of heavily pigmented frosting corresponding to the top edge of the leaf tip. Then carefully place the rest of the white frosting in the piping bag, and proceed as usual! You could always just place a stripe of food coloring, but the results aren't as vivid.

And this isn't the best formatting, but if you scroll up to the second picture, you can see that you can get a similar rose effect by taking a Wilton 1M tip and piping a swirl starting at the center and going outward! That method looks especially stunning when done all over a cake. And did I mention that it's super simple?

I know this isn't a typical food blog post, but bare with me! I have tons of stuff that I have to somehow try and roll out on here logically...if I even should do that at all.

And this is why you should never start documenting your hobby on social media after you've already started doing it. For years.

Happy Hunting!

- Neha x

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